Friday, June 5, 2009

It's a girl!

I finally had my midway ultra-sound today. The biggest news is that the baby is a girl! Duane is officially out numbered.

The baby is doing great. She is measuring about a week ahead of schedule and weighs 1.2 lbs. The ultra-sound tech mentioned that she has long feet. I guess she must get that from Duane!

Baby's profile:
Baby's torso and spine:
Baby's Leg and foot
Baby's bottom and femur (the arrow is pointing to the lack of a boy part between legs)
All Pictures
Prego me


  1. Congrats! you are an adorable pregnant woman and will undoubtedly have an adorable little mini-me

  2. Congratulations on a little girl! I'm quite partial to them. She'll have Duane wrapped around his finger the moment she is born. It's great! I'm really happy for you guys.

  3. Hooray! Congrats on the girl! Can't wait to meet her :) Those are really good ultrasound pictures, too.
