I was having some spotting again, so I went in for an ultrasound of the placenta on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the placenta moved down instead of up. Now I have full previa instead of having a partial previa. So now I am on pelvic bed rest for at least the next month. There is still time for the placenta to move up as the womb grows.
The ultrasound tech had a hard time looking at the cervix. The baby's bottom was covering the cervix. The baby was also not very cooperative. I had to roll over a couple times to try and get the baby to move its bottom. Then the lab tech tried to take some pictures of the baby for me. However, the baby would not hold still long enough to get any good pictures. It is amazing to me that the baby can be moving around like that and I still do not feel it. The tech thinks it might be a girl, but wasn't sure. I guess we will find out in another week or so.
The baby's heart beat was 140 BPM at my appointment yesterday. The nurse said the baby was really active when she checked the heartbeat. The nurse could hear the baby moving around on the doppler.
Pictures from Tuesday's Ultrasound. I know it sounds awful but these pictures sorta remind me of Skeletor from He-man.

Nice post - ultrasound pictures week by week ..Keep Posting
ultrasound pictures week by week