Friday, June 26, 2009

Ultrasound 24 Weeks 4 Days

I went for my ultrasound today to check the placenta. The placenta is still partially covering the cervix. The tech also took some nice pictures and videos of the baby. It was so amazing to watch the baby open her mouth, move her tongue and stretch out. She is so beautiful.

This last month I gained 1lb. according to my weigh in at the doctors. The baby gained just about a 1lb. too. She is now measuring two weeks ahead and a little over 2lbs.

Here are some of the videos and pictures from my visit:

Her Kicking her feet (which I can't feel)

Baby's Face

Baby Moving Her Mouth and Tongue - Notice the Heartbeat too


Stretching out (I couldn't feel this either!)

Monday, June 22, 2009

24 Weeks

I had my 24th week check up today. They baby's heart beat was around 148 BPM. The doctor has me scheduled on Friday 6/26 for another ultrasound to check the placenta. She also wants me to have measurements done more often because of my auto-immune problems.

Every once and a while I feel something in my belly. I am pretty sure it is the baby. For the most part it feels like some gas. I had Duane put his hand on my belly when I felt it happening. Duane thinks that he might have felt something move. Generally, it is pretty random and hard to catch. The other day I looked down and saw my belly move. However, I didn't feel anything. I guess that I am not as sensitive.

Duane and I have a list of possible names for the baby. I doubt we will name her until after she is born and we can see her. In the meantime, I started calling her my little peanut. Duane is calling her peanut too.

Over the years we have picked up odds and ends of baby stuff. Some of it is from friends/family and yard sales. Last week my friend Julie gave us a bunch of clothes. I can't get over how cute the little girl clothes are. We managed to get everything washed up and sorted into tubs by size. I am pretty much set for clothes through 18 months.

We have made good progress on getting the things ready for the baby. The two big things we are looking for right now are a dresser and a changing table. I would like to get a tall 4-5 drawer dresser and lightweight changing table with shelves. No luck so far on craigs or at yard sales.

Duane set the crib up and it looks nice. It is a lighter weight white one with wheels.

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's a girl!

I finally had my midway ultra-sound today. The biggest news is that the baby is a girl! Duane is officially out numbered.

The baby is doing great. She is measuring about a week ahead of schedule and weighs 1.2 lbs. The ultra-sound tech mentioned that she has long feet. I guess she must get that from Duane!

Baby's profile:
Baby's torso and spine:
Baby's Leg and foot
Baby's bottom and femur (the arrow is pointing to the lack of a boy part between legs)
All Pictures
Prego me