Thursday, April 23, 2009

Placenta Previa

I had some bleeding yesterday, so the doctor had me come in today. They did an ultrasound and said that I have a thing called placenta previa. The placenta is lying unusually low in your uterus, next to or covering your cervix. This is bad because it can cause bleeding and premature birth. The placenta has to be delivered after the baby. So it causes problems with delivery. So we will see.

Hopefully the placenta will migrate up away from the cervix. I still have time for that to happen. In the meantime, I have to take it really easy.

If there are no problems, we go back May 28th. It was neat seeing the baby. It is a lot more developed than last time. It actually looked like a little baby.

Here is an article on the Placenta Previa:

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