Duane pointed out all the flaws and talked the owner down to $20.00. The drawers had been taped shut from being moved and there was some tape and sticky adhesive left over. I knew that with a little bit of rubbing and Windex that it would come right off. One of the legs was lose which made it wobbly. The bolt fastening the leg on underneath just needed tightening. That only took Duane about a minute to fix. It was dusty and dirty from being in storage somewhere. Once wiped down it looked great. There is only one little scuff on the bottom drawer and a couple tiny marks. It really is in excellent condition. Very solid too.
Sometimes I wonder why people don't take the time to clean things up to sell. With a about 10-20 minutes of effort this changing table could have been sold for three times what we paid for it. I am not complaining after all, their loss is my gain.
What a deal! It looks great.