Made it to the fourth month mark! We don't go back to the doctor for another month. Duane and I are anxious to find out if we are having a boy or girl. We don't care either way.
I received a call from the OB doctor. He said, my B12 level is outside of the normal range, but not in the low range. On something like the contingent range. I am not sure what that means. The doctor was going to prescribe me 100
mcg of B12 injection. I told him that I was already taking a 1,000
mcg injection every month. The doctor was surprised by how high it was and didn't want to increase it. He also didn't seem really sure what to do or know too much about it.
I am going to go by the hospital and have a copy of the report sent to my doctor in Pennsylvania. He has a lot more expertise on the B12 anemia and how it should be handled. I will be curious to see what he has to say about it. My stomach must not absorb the B12 very well at all. I have been drinking a lot of milk and eating other foods that are rich in it. All this along with the shots.
It isn't very common for people to have B12 anemia because the liver stores a 3 year supply of it. I think it only occurs if the stomach doesn't absorb it correctly.
It has been really hard sleeping. I went two nights of waking up every 30 minutes. One of the mornings I had a little vertigo from moving back and forth so much. The third night I was so exhausted that I slept through the night. Sleeping on my sides is so hard because the bursitis in my outer hips. I have been putting a body pillow under my back, so I am not completely on my side. That helps some.
On the light side of things...between me and my pillows, Duane has about a foot of space in the bed. He is such a good sport about it. Sometimes Duane will lay right up against me and that makes my back feel good.
Duane presented his senior design project today. I went down to the student union building to observe. He did such a great job and I was so proud of him. He worked so hard on this project for months. I am glad that I went and shared that experience with him. Duane has one final that he will finish on Monday. Then he will be done! Yippee.
I took a test yesterday for my HR class (BUS412). I didn't do as well as I would have liked. I studied so hard too. The test consists of a lot of memorization, which has been hard for me this term. There is an optional final. If my grade is boarder line, then I might go for the optional final. I know that I will be really disappointed to get a B, especially if I am close. I have had A's in all of my classes here at the U of I. So we will see.
I have two seven page papers to write. One I haven't started and is due on Tuesday. The second paper I am about half way through. I have an outline for the second paper and just need to elaborate on my points. I have two more weeks to get that one finished.
Then I will be taking a little break. I am thinking about taking psychology for the second half of the summer. It is a 100 level class, so it should be easy.