The hardest two days of my recovery from the c-section was the last day in the hospital and the first day home. The last night we were at the hospital Katherine did not sleep all night. She cried almost non-stop. At first I just blamed it on the nurses for coming in every two hours to check her. Then the first night we came home Katherine cried-screamed again all night. By this point we were pretty tired. Duane and I only had two hours of sleep the two previous days. So we ended up passing Katherine back and forth every 30-60 minutes to keep our sanity.
By Friday Duane was really concerned that Katherine wasn't getting enough to eat. My milk still didn't come in yet. So we made an appointment to go in to see the lactation nurse. I am glad that we did. Katherine had lost quite a bit of weight she was down to 7lbs 2oz. from 8lbs. 8oz. Katherine is one of those "happy to starve" babies. She would latch on only long enough to get a little to eat, then go to sleep.
The lactation nurse had me start pumping and supplementing with formula. We could see an immediate difference in Katherine. Her eyes were bright again and same happy self as the first few days. Needless to say we were thankful.
I am still pumping and we are supplementing with formula. Not sure if my milk will ever come in enough to support her completely. Today we were able to feed her more milk than formula and that made me feel good. We will see how that goes. I am going to start taking fennelgreek an herb that is supposed to help. So we will see.
We were sad to see Clarelyn Duane's mom leave on Friday. She was great company and such a huge help. Clarelyn cleaned the whole apartment for us and helped with the baby so we could rest. Plus made us meals and did the dishes. Having her here was a huge blessing.
Katherine and Grandma Elgan:

Some little things about Katherine...

-Katherine likes the sound of running water
-Her whole body turns bright red when Katherine is mad
-Katherine makes a lot of strange noises
-For the most part Katherine is very well tempered and easy going. However, make her mad and she is feisty
-Katherine is like a clock rising up after about 3 hours to eat